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Thesis statement : many various kinds of language learning methodology make us interested in investigating them by analyzing the similarities and differences itself, among others : direct method and the natural approach.
1.      There are big differences in the areas of its main focus and the learning activity.
a.      The main focus
a)      Direct method
è Correct pronunciation and grammar
b)     The natural approach
è Communicative competence
b.      Learning activity
a)      Direct method
è Drilling extensively in listening, imitating, and speaking
b)     The natual approach
è Communicative activity
2.      In spite of differences, these two methodologies share the same view about the theory of learning and the principle of nature.
a.      Theory of learning (Direct method and the natural approach)
è Language comprehension is prior to language production.
b.      Principle of natural (Direct Method and the natural approach)
è Influence of naturality condition toward the ability of students’ speaking

Direct method and the natural approach, different but similar

Language is a complex system which needs the deep comprehension in understanding it. In terms of subject, it is also had the way to learn called methodology. Many various kinds of those methodologies make people interested in investigating them by analyzing the similarities and differences, among others : direct method and the natural approach.
One salient difference is the main focus of each methodology. Direct method emphasizes the learning on correct pronunciation and grammar, because these two aspects thought as the foundation to master the language. In contrast, the natural approach directly makes the foundation of acquiring the communicative competence which means reciprocal action where they can understand each other.
Other areas of difference between direct method and the natural approach involve learning activity. Whereas the natural approach prides on communicative activity, direct method drills extensively in listening, imitating, and speaking. The natural approach thought that everything muct be commnucative in order to get the satisfaction fro student; however, direct method focuses on daily activity to listen, imitate, and speak.
In spite of differences, these two methodologies share the same view about the theory of learning and the principle of nature.
Both have uttered the theory of learning, where language comprehension functioned as the basis of language production. If students have comprehended the meaning of what others say, they can produce the language as the reply.
A final similarity is that both direct method and the natural approach have the same principle of naturality. They let the naturality of situation influences the students to speak without being forced which means the students will speak if they have feel extremely ready to. Mainly, the classroom must be dominated by students.
Direct method and the natural approach : different, yet similar. Although the two theory of learning and principle of naturality are same, they share the differences also in terms of main focus and the learning activity. In addition, their differences probably contribute as much as their similarities toward the language learning comprehensively.


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