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1.      Introductory paragraph
`           Thesis statement (the underlined one): Everybody is going to die like Al-quran shows at al-Ankabut 57. It can happen anywhere and anytime without knowing. you must be ready if the Angel Izrail wants to take whenever. It is fardhu kifayah for executing whom has passed away. More and more people would erase another person’s sin who doesn’t make it. For making it running well, you need to know some obliged equipments and the sequence of steps.
2.      Body
a.      You need some obliged equipments for executing the deadbody
·         Woods
·         Kafan fabric
·         Cotton
·         Fragrance
·         water
b.      Here are the steps
·         Having the deadbody a bath
·         Packing
·         Praying
·         Graving
3.      Conclusion
To conclude, executing the dead body must follow some rules which have been determined by Al- quran and Hadits definitely. The first is having deadbody a bath; the second is packing; the third is praying; and the last is graving.

How to Execute the deadbody
            Everybody is going to die like Al-quran shows at al-Ankabut 57. It can happen anywhere and anytime without knowing. You must be ready if the Angel Izrail wants to take whenever. It is fardhu kifayah for executing whom has passed away. More and more people would erase another person’s sin who doesn’t make it. For making it running well, you need to know some obliged equipments and the sequence of steps.
            Before managing the graveyard, you have to consider all of needed equipments, such as : woods, kafan fabrics, cotton, fragrance, and water especially.
            After that, you follow the four steps which have been obliged to do. The first you have to do is having the deadbody a bath. The water which has fragrance is used here to drench the body three times at both sides. The second is packing. The differences are five fabrics for woman and three fabrics for man. The third is praying. The leader of praying stands paralelly with stomatch for deadwoman and with head for deadman. The last is graving. The deadbody is entered to the hole by facing the face to the left side before the woods are arranged above. Then it is covered by soil until piling up.
           To conclude, executing the dead body must follow some rules which have been determined by Al- quran and Hadits definitely. The first is having the deadbody a bath; the second is packing; the third is praying; and the last is graving.


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